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Leadership Factor

Leadership Factor


Leadership is seen as influence. It is being the person others will gladly and confidently follow. It is also getting people to work for you when they are not obligated. People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care[i]. Leadership begins with the heart and not with the head. It blossoms with a deep meaningful relationship and not necessarily with multiple of laws.

A daily recognition that all strength for ministry comes from the power of the Holy Spirit is key to achieving success in leadership. The blessings of God on a leader is sure to grant him or her effectiveness and success. Like Uzziah as long as we seek the Lord He is sure to give us success in our leadership drive (2Chronicles 26:5).

The power of man is never sufficient to accomplish a God-sized task. Depending on self for leadership power would only shrink a ministry to a level that only human can handle[ii]. It should be noted that programmes don’t work-God works. Leadership abilities should be allowed to be invigorated by the glorious power of the Holy Ghost in the manifested power of the leaders life as well as the life of the believer.


Ones’ purpose in leadership must be clearly defined and understood. Those leading and the led should all be clear in their minds, the reason for their mutual existence and for their actions. God’s purposes for ministry leadership must be known.

Strong churches are built on purpose. ..Plans, Programmes, and Personalities do not last. But God’s purpose will last….Unless the driving force behind a church is biblical, the health and growth of the church will never be what God intended. Strong churches are not built on programmes, personalities, or gimmicks. They are built on the eternal purposes of God[iii].

Jesus asked us to prove our love for Him by obeying His command (John 14:15 “If you love Me, keep My commandments). He then explains what the main commandments are:

Mt 22:36 “Teacher, which is the great commandment in the law?”. 37 Jesus said to him,” ‘You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ 38 “This is the first and great commandment. 39 “And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ 40 “On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets.”

The two commandments are to love the Lord and to Love your neighbor. Indeed there is only one Lord for us to love. As Christians we also have two main neighbours to love, that is the believing (Christian) neighbour and the Unbelieving (Unbeliever) neighbour. So simply put we exist as Christians to:

  1. Love the Lord – Worship in Spirit and Truth (Acts 24:14[A.S.V], 2Cor 912-14; Rm12:1; Mt 14:33Ps 95:1-6).
  2. Love the Believer (Christians)- Work to edify one another (Acts 4:24-35Acts 13:1-2Acts 4:331Co 2:4Ro 15:18-19Mt 28:19-20Col 1:23)
  3. Love the Unbeliever – Witness from our Jerusalem to the outermost part of the world

Christian leaders should be made to clearly appreciate what we exist for (Purpose) and be motivated to passionately live for them and to stay focused. The purposes would have to be constantly communicated to them and they should be reminded of the importance of knowing them.


Leaders should not just be real, to have a following , they should be genuine since people, especially the youth, easily detect leaders who are fake. You are most attractive when you are yourself. You don’t have to be cool you have to be real. The most valuable paintings are originals, not copies of original[iv]. It is said that “students can sniff a fake a mile away and so if we aren’t not genuine we should forget; the game is over. Leaders should not forget they are the ministry before they do ministry” [v].. Their credibility should always be intact to have any meaningful and credible youth following. People would build trust after spending time with the leader and seeing the walk behind his words.


You can’t move people to action unless you first move them with emotion. The heart comes before the hand. Don’t ever underestimate the importance of building relational bridges between yourself and the people you lead. There is an old saying: To lead yourself use your head; to lead others use your heart. Always touch a person’s heart before you ask him for a hand.


[i] John Maxwell in Josh McDowell’s Youth Ministry Handbook: Making the connection/Compiled by Sean McDowell and Ray Willey. (W Publishing Group, A Division of Thomas Nelson. Inc. USA, 2000). pp 66

[ii] Adema, D., ‘Power of Effective leadership’ in Josh McDowell’s Youth Ministry Handbook. Making the Connection, Compiled by Sean McDowell and Ray Willey (USA; W Publishing Group, A Division of Thomas Nelson. Inc., 2000), p. 68.

[iii]Warren, R., cited by Doug Fields, in Purpose Driven Youth Ministry, 9 Essential Foundations of Healthy Growth, p. 45

[iv] Christie, L., ‘Presenting Great Talks’ in Josh McDowell’s Youth Ministry Handbook. Making the connection. Compiled by Sean McDowell and Ray Willey, p 81.

[v] Webster, D., ‘Authentic Leadership’ in Josh McDowell’s Youth Ministry Handbook. Making the connection, p. 72.73

Source: Apostle Emmanuel Kwesi Acquah